About me

I was lucky enough to grow up with plenty of access to the outdoors and sport - in the country and city.  
I studied agricultural economics, completed a masters in commerce and studied investment & applied finance.  I have worked in state government, superannuation investment consulting, investment management, financial planning and mortgage broking roles. 
My career helps me understand what my clients face on a daily basis - the sitting, snacks, mental stress and long-hours. The juggle of family and relationships. 
I am now lucky enough to work actively with clients who want to start moving again, and improve the way that they are incorporating health and fitness into their life. 


I enjoy all sorts of activities, and I would prefer to take part than watch them.  I enjoy running/trail running, bike riding (mountain bike riding in Sydney), swimming and body-surfing. 
In the gym I like to focus on compound exercises, especially working on leg and hip strength using squats and deadlifts (both uni and bi-lateral patterns). 


I grew up eating most things, and that meant meat and vegetables.  My eating habits have been influenced by family, friends, media and more recently health, animal suffering and environmental concerns.  
I enjoy following a mostly whole food plant based diet - the 'mostly' relates to the whole foods... I have been animal product free since December 2017.


As a fully functional introvert I need my downtime, and I have learned to keep things simple. And not too many things on the go.  Some may say I am a bit of a control freak or that I don't do enough.  If things aren't working I will find a new way.  I am a big believer in life long learning, both professionally and personally, and incorporate new ideas into my 'being' habits.  

What's with a tree logo?

The tree represents strength, resilience and growth. The trunk represents our values (what is important to us?); the branches are our beliefs that reach into our everyday life.  Each of the circles of leaves represents an area of our life - and whether that area is at the top or bottom, full or life or suffering, will depend upon our ability to balance all that we choose to take on.  I work alongside my clients to identify what they want to achieve  - their lifestyle vision - and get to work by creating new habits and choices that are consistent with their envisaged future self. 

About my clients

My clients generally have ‘life experience’ and a renewed commitment to their health and fitness goals – a readiness to allocate time to a more active life, increase their strength and review their eating habits.
My clients may or may not have previously been gym members, however, demands from family, career or business reduced the time allocated to their fitness activities. Regardless of their journey to this point, I teach clients the skills and build their confidence to work hard (and smart) in the gym to ensure their time is used effectively in reaching their new fitness goals.


My clients often are already active, either walking – maybe with their dog or partner – or enjoy a regular outdoor activity such as swimming, tennis, golf or sailing. They may be doing ‘cardio’ work, however, little in the way of strength training. 
On joining the gym my clients are interested in learning new exercises using the machines and the free weight equipment.
Existing gym members are often interested in learning new skills or improving and broadening their resistance session program.


My clients are often eating a certain way – currently I hear about low carbohydrate diets – and this maybe you too. My clients often want to lose weight and overestimate the impact of increasing their activity and underestimate the impact of reviewing and adjusting their eating habits.
Eating is a personal experience - a journey of family, culture, taste and trends. Sometimes my clients want my thoughts on what they eat, and I support them to reflect on their eating habits and compare them with that of the Australian Dietary Guidelines


My clients, just like everyone else, have competing demands on their limited resources (mainly time) and sometimes the allocation of those resources have led to habits that do not support their health. So, to implement new health and fitness goals – or even broader life goals – there is work to do to identifying the nature of our habits. I work with clients to outline their new vision – and what it will mean to themselves and those around them – and assist them to put their goals and activities in place to develop new and supportive habits.


I studied with the Australian Institute of Personal Trainers and completed my Certificates III and IV in Fitness in January 2019.  I chose this path as I was a member of Fitness First and noticed that AIPT had a mentorship program and a mentor at Fitness First Chatswood - I was very lucky to be supported by a great mentor and team. I continue my education through a variety of in-person and online resources, including:

As a registered personal trainer with AUSactive, I undertake at least 20 hours of relevant education every two years.

Scope of Practice

Given my background and education it needs to be made clear that as a personal trainer and I am here to provide clients with a safe and effective exercise program designed to meet their goals.  I use assessment techniques that may identify muscles that are tight or weak and set exercises and stretches to help re-balance physical movement patterns.
I do not provide a diagnosis or assessment of physical injuries - I am happy to refer clients to one of the many excellent local physical therapists to identify any specific issues.  I do not provide any hands on treatments.
Any healthy eating information that I may provide is consistent with the Australian Dietary Guidelines and nationally endorsed nutritional standards.
We're all too busy to have an ineffective fitness routine.
Make your gym workouts count.
Enjoy the activities that you like to do more.
You need more than a gym routine to meet your health and fitness goals.
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