
Personal Training

Whether you are new to the gym or a seasoned gym goer, my role is to work with you to ensure you are training effectively to support what you are doing outside the gym.  My clients are generally time poor and have active outside interests and the role of the gym is to ensure that activity is enjoyed more, or conducted at a higher level.  I generally work with clients that are not in the gym on consecutive days - so our sessions hit all major muscle groups.

In terms of what to expect:
  1. Complete a new client questionnaire that checks in on your health and fitness background, what activity you are currently doing in a typical week and ask you to outline your health and fitness goals.
  2. At our first session we will review your health and fitness background and discuss any physical limitations.
  3. Based on your fitness background and current gym history and goals we will start at a point on the continuum of activities for various broad movements - squats, hinges, pushes, pulls and core.  Depending on your goals training frequency we may split up the program. 
  4. 'Cardio' is normally completed outside sessions, however, clients normally work towards building up 'finishing' exercises for each session that certainly test your cardio fitness. 

Personal Training - Group

I do not have any indoor personal training groups in my timetable, however, if you would like to work with other people I am happy to work with groups of up to four people.  A larger group decreases the level of 'personal', and a larger group provides logistical challenges on the gym floor (for us and other members) - I find working with 2 people during peak times to be optimal.  Group participants are expected to be more hands on in organising and moving equipment.  It also helps to work with someone that is on a similar fitness level or interest.
  1. As above, everyone in the group would complete a new client questionnaire.
  2. At our first session (or before depending on group numbers) we will review health and fitness backgrounds and discuss any physical limitations.
  3. Based on your fitness background and current gym history and goals we will start at a point on the continuum of activities for various broad movements - squats, hinges, pushes, pulls and core.
  4. 'Cardio' is normally completed outside sessions, however, clients normally work towards building up 'finishing' exercises for each session that certainly test your cardio fitness.

Goals & Habits

Before you start you need to work out where you are going. You may have a rough idea about the goals that you have or the changes you would like to make. Joining the gym and increasing your fitness is a start, however, it may be part of a bigger change that you would like to make.  If you search deeper you may discover broader aspects of your lifestyle - your habits - that you may want to explore changing to improve your health and wellness - both in the short and longer-term.  

In this program we work together to complete the following:
  1. You complete a comprehensive health and wellness questionnaire to help you understand where you are currently at for each area (energy, sleep and stress, life balance, weight, exercise, eating and health) which area is important for you to change and how confident you feel in working towards making those changes.
  2. We have a discussion around your questionnaire and broader lifestyle areas for you to come up with a direction for your future that you would like to work towards.  This is typically a medium to long range outlook.
  3. You will develop short term goals and activities that work towards meeting your goals. 
  4. We meet weekly (remotely or in person), to review your activities and goals that ultimately will support your longer term vision.
  5. New habits are built and you can explore what is next.

Terms of Engagement

I like to work with people who are committed to their health and fitness goals and who are willing to share a good professional relationship - it is personal training, so we will be spending plenty of time together.  It is not unreasonable to think that you and I may not be a fit - fortunately there are plenty of great trainers at the gym.  However, it is often not on the gym floor that relationships break down - it is in the organising and committing to the timetable.  Please read the following terms and conditions and if you do not think they are reasonable, then we may not be a good fit.
  1. You must complete the pre-first session questionnaire before working with me. If you have health and fitness issues that may impact you whilst training, please include them in the questionnaire and discuss them with me.
  2. Ongoing clients ('members') agree to a set number of sessions per week and the specific times of those sessions.
  3. You are committed to the appointment time(s) that have been agreed to - it should be a time that will only need rescheduling due to an unforeseen emergency - and not compete with other activities or commitments.  Please enter appointment times into your electronic diary with sufficient buffer times to ensure the whole session can be attended. You will receive a reminder from the booking system at 8.00 am the day before your appointment.
  4. You can reschedule sessions up to 12 hours before a session starts, with the rescheduled time to be within the next seven days. The session will be counted if we can’t find a time.
  5. If you need to reschedule due to an unforeseen emergency (less than 12 hours notice), please text me as soon as possible so we can find a make-up time within the next seven days. The session will be counted if we can’t find a time. If you are sick, you agree to reschedule your missed sessions after you have recovered.
  6. If you need to reschedule outside the 12 hours, please log into the website and reschedule via your appointment hub - this means editing your existing appointment and changing the day/time - do not create another appointment.
  7. If you plan on being away (holiday/work), text me the dates you are away. Depending on the time you are away, you agree to make up for sessions before or after your absence.
  8. If you are using my services casually (no regular weekly training time), please either book online or contact me for session times.  Notice periods are as outlined above, and invoices are issued and to be paid in advance of sessions.
  9. I will give you as much notice as possible when I need to move an appointment due to being unwell, going on holiday or undertaking training. I will work with you to ensure your training is minimally impacted.
  10. There is no lock-in time for our work together however you only see a benefit from a commitment of at least 12 weeks - you need to provide two weeks notice before your last session.
  11. An upfront commitment fee of $250 (incl. GST) is charged before the first paid session, which is taken off the first monthly invoice (issued at the beginning of each month). Please pay via direct cash transfer, however, direct debit and credit card payments is also available.
  12. Session prices are as listed on the website and may change over time. Members will receive at least one month’s notice before their prices change to those listed on the website.
We're all too busy to have an ineffective fitness routine.
Make your gym workouts count.
Enjoy the activities that you like to do more.
You need more than a gym routine to meet your health and fitness goals.
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